      never came across my mug
    in no hard copy's back cover?
  neither did I, yet – relax!
this here autograph tells more
         than a pic no one cares for...

The Ficuses in the Open

:from the personal
a graphomanic


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February 9

In the yesterday's entry I omitted to mention the cannon shot (the only one) which made Sahtik and me take the U-turn when going downtown to the Carina's. Today, there was not even a single one.

In the morning I went to the Site to find the poles I had cut out for the projected retaining wall were not there.

I visited Armen, the nearest neighbor on the opposite side of the gorge.

He pointed out that the poles were cut down at the gorge bottom. Because their house is located above, everything from down there is theirs.

Maybe, he put it in a softer way, yet the core, when stripped of diplomatic wrappings, was just that.

I most politely declined a drink proposed by him to varnish it all over.

Carina with her children came on a visit to our place.

After lunch, two pages from Joyce. Yoga. Supper.

The water-walk and taking a bath (in the tub) are ahead.

Sahtik intends to leave Ahshaut home tonight. Well, we'll see.

The mother-in-law and Roozahna went over to the Underground already.

So, Good night.

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